Checkout solution, Order preparation

Ajuda para o uso da caixa registadora

preparação de pedidos

Se as suas ordens precisam ser cozidos ou preparados, esse recurso permitirá que você tem uma página dedicada à preparação da ordem.
Você pode ativar esse recurso na configuração, a ordem das páginas.
Uma vez que a opção ativada, você pode acessar uma nova página no menu chamado "Preparação". Nesta página você pode ver os pedidos recentes e marque os itens quando a preparação é feita. Esta página atualiza automaticamente, não há necessidade de atualizar. Quando esta função estiver ativada, você pode conceder um novo direito para os usuários chamados "Preparador", que dá acesso somente às funções necessárias.
In the preparation page, you can find validation buttons (green ticks) of two types : item preparation validation, or order preparation validation.
Using the item preparation button will mark the item of the order as prepared, using the order preparation validation button will mark all the items shown as prepared.
The order preparation validation button can be disabled in the options, or it is possible to setup this buttons so that it need to be activated in every preparation place.

Multiple preparation places

You can also setup in the software the number of preparation places you will use. For example, you can have some items (for example : food) of your order prepared in a first place, and the other items (for example : drinks) prepared in another place.

Preparation time

If you use a single preparation place, then the software provides features to manage Preparation times.
Once the option activated, you will be able to provide preparation times for the items you have registered.
When you choose the date of value for the order, you will be shown a timetable, with all the orders registered near the date and time you selected.
This way you can monitor how much time you have to prepare the orders, and select a convenient time when registering the order.
When preparation times are enabled, in the history page, you will also be able to see a new column the total preparation time of the order, and the remaining time to finish the preparation.
Be carefull : preparation times must be typed in seconds.

Pager management

Pagers can be used with the software in order to warn clients when their order have been prepared.
In order to enable pager management in the software, you first need to choose the number of pagers you use in your shop, in Config, Orders setup page.
When enabled, you can then use the action button "Pager num" in order to associate a pager with the current order.
In the preparation page, you will be able to see the list of orders that need to be prepared, and the pager num they are associated with.
When the preparation of an order is complete, you can see the pager number associated with it, and activate it in order to prevent your customer.

Preparation steps feature

It is possible in the action configuration page to add a "Preparation step" type action.
When this action is added to the interface, it is possible, when registering the order, to set up preparation steps.
This makes it possible to group the starters of a meal in a first step, then the dishes, the cheeses, the dessert, for example.
In the preparation page, only the articles of the current stage are visible for preparation.
The preparer can indicate the end of the preparation step, which allows him to access the other items to be prepared in the next step.

From help Point of sale terminal digital