Logiciel de facturation, Aide Caisse enregistreuse en ligne

Caisse. Enregistreuse

Logiciel de caisse enregistreuse gratuit, en ligne depuis 2014.

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This help will guide you through the setup and usage of our point of sale cash register software.

Voucher gift management

With this software, you can sell voucher gifts to your customers.
In order to use voucher gifts, you need to add two actions in the Actions setup page : "Create voucher gift", and "Use voucher gift" actions.
The create voucher gift action lets you create a voucher gift. You just need to type in the amout of the voucher gift, and it will be recorded in the database.
The software records the date of the creation of the voucher gift, the client owning this voucher, its amount, and usage state.
The voucher gift will be printed with the receipt.
Then the voucher gift can be used to pay an order by clicking the "Voucher gift payment" button.
You will be prompted to type in the voucher unique ID, or to scan it with a barcode reader in order to use it.
A voucher gift can only be used once and will be refused afterwards, the software can also show you the list of sold voucher gift, and their usage.
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